8 Popular Weight-Loss Diets That Could Be Total Disasters For You

By The Captain August 28, 2020

8 Popular Weight-Loss Diets That Could Be Total Disasters For You 1

The HCG Diet

According to the HCG diet, human chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone produced in early pregnancy, can help you lose weight very fast. The diet, which has been around since the 1950s, promotes the restriction of calories and the use of HCG to get rid of all the extra pounds.

Unfortunately for those who tried it (and probably failed), various studies revealed that HCG does not have any connection to weight loss. The Food and Drug Administration also issued a warning, emphasizing that HCG should never be used for weight-loss purposes. Not only is it not efficient in terms of weight loss but it can also increase your chances of developing gallstones, an irregular heartbeat, depression, and fatigue.


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