9 Intimate Questions Men Are Too Afraid to Ask (Answered Here)

By The Captain April 5, 2021

9 Intimate Questions Men Are Too Afraid to Ask (Answered Here) 1

Does that magical pill really work?

Let’s be honest, every man is wondering whether that pill treatment or ‘natural libido booster’ advertised online or on late-night television is really working.

And everybody is tempted to try them at some point.

However, specialists say this decision could have a devastating impact. Sure, buying such drugs anonymously may spare you from the embarrassment of discussing your intimate problems with a specialist – but they can also cost you your health.

According to Dr. Elliott, ‘medical doctors are the only ones who can prescribe medicine designed for erection.’

Also note that any teas or beverages marketed as ‘miraculous’ cures for bedroom problems are only trying to get your money, as there’s no such thing.


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Wellness Captain