5 Things Dr. Fauci Is Doing Now That He Got the COVID-19 Vaccine

By The Captain March 1, 2021

5 Things Dr. Fauci Is Doing Now That He Got the COVID-19 Vaccine 1

He says there’s new guidance coming soon

Ever since Dr. Fauci explained that people who have been vaccinated can start hanging out together without so many restrictions, people have become more and more excited – and confused.

Right now, the CDC doesn’t offer any guidance for groups of people who have received both doses of the vaccine. Should they keep wearing masks? Can they eat together without any social distancing?

Right now, we have no idea – but Anthony Fauci says this is about to change.

As more and more people receive the vaccine, Dr. Fauci expects public health authorities to release new guidance on what they can (or can’t) safely do. Although he didn’t give any details yet, it’s important to stay up to date with his recent statements so we know how to protect ourselves.


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