5 Things Dr. Fauci Is Doing Now That He Got the COVID-19 Vaccine

By The Captain March 1, 2021

5 Things Dr. Fauci Is Doing Now That He Got the COVID-19 Vaccine 1

He predicts mass vaccination by April

One of the most frequent question in recent months has been when the general population (meaning non-essential workers) can start receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.

According to Dr. Fauci, the number of vaccine doses in our country is expected to skyrocket by March and April, which means that health officials will be able to enter a mass vaccination stage.

‘I would imagine by the time we get into April, that will be what I would call, for better wording, ‘open season’,’ Dr. Fauci recently declared.

So far, COVID-19 vaccines have been prioritized in most states for essential workers, the elderly and those with underlying health conditions that could lead to complications in case of infection. If you’re a healthy non-essential worker, though, you might get a chance to schedule a vaccination too this spring.


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