6 Reasons Why Americans Refuse To Be Vaccinated

By M. C. November 9, 2021
you should get vaccinated

Photo by PhotobyTawat from Shutterstock

Reasons why some people didn’t get vaccinated:

  • Reason 1: Lack of access, real or perceived – According to a recent survey, 4% of Americans intend to get vaccinated as soon as possible, while 12% are in a “wait-and-see” mode. For this segment of the population, access is an unbreakable barrier. There are many obstacles. People may not be able to afford the transportation to get to a pharmacy. Some might suffer from a busy, and inflexible family/work schedule, which may prevent them from taking the time off work to get the shot. Some people still believe (and it’s completely untrue), that getting the vaccine isn’t free for everyone, or they may not know that it’s available for them. In order to combat these obstacles, vaccines should be available in more places. Some research even suggests that vaccines should be introduced at Dollar General, as it has been found that adding stores to the federal vaccine distribution programs could substantially decrease the distance between the vaccine and low-income US households.
  • Reason 2: Covid-19 isn’t considered a threat – Even after year we’ve had, some Americans still believe they’re super-human and don’t see coronavirus as a serious threat. Whether because they’re young and they believe that the virus won’t affect them, or because they’re Republicans and they follow former President Donald Trump’s claims that the virus isn’t a big deal, polls show that some don’t want to get vaccinated. Unfortunately, those are also the same people who will suffer. Even so, there are ways to overcome this. Based on Kaiser’s polling, a third of the anti-vaxxers would get the vaccine if it would be required at work, while others could be persuaded by incentives, such as hard cash or free tickets.


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