Weekly Health Horoscope – Best Prediction for 15 – 21 June

By The Captain June 15, 2020









LEO - Health Horoscope Prediction LEO – Health Horoscope Prediction for 15 – 21 June

Mercury moving backwards on Thursday and the New Moon on Sunday take place in the house of the subconscious in your general horoscope, which is why your mood could fluctuate quite a lot this week, but especially in its second part. In this way, you could end up confusing those around you quite a bit with your attitude, which is why you should try to control your feelings.

VIRGO - Health Horoscope Prediction VIRGO – Health Horoscope Prediction for 15 – 21 June

Tuesday and Wednesday seem to be the days when you can move mountains. Trust yourself, and if you want something big enough, you will have no problem attracting the chance to your side. This is due to the transit of the Moon through the house of philosophy of life, which helps you form a clear perspective on the challenges and opportunities of this period..

LIBRA - Health Horoscope Prediction LIBRA – Health Horoscope Prediction for 15 – 21 June

The stars do not prepare you health challenges. You are in a good mental shape, and the days when you excel in this field are, without a doubt, the ones between Thursday and Saturday. So, in the second part of the week, you are more toned than ever, which can be seen from the way you think and take an attitude. Try to cultivate this mood in the coming days.

SCORPIO - Health Horoscope Prediction SCORPIO – Health Horoscope Prediction for 15 – 21 June

Mercury retrograding Thursday and Sunday New Moon occupy the same house in your horoscope general, the philosophy of life. The stars urge you to be more lenient with yourself, to make the effort to listen to your inner voice more often. She sometimes you can send valuable information, which your reason does not perceive. Also, find the courage to be vulnerable from time to time.


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Wellness Captain