5 Surprising Foods with More Protein Than an Egg

By The Captain September 3, 2020

Wellness Captain Foods With More Protein Than One Egg

For most people, eggs are the go-to source of protein and for good reason! According to the USDA, a single chicken egg contains six grams of protein, while an extra large one can have up to 7 grams. As a plus, there are endless ways to cook an egg and to be honest, most of them are delicious too.

However, there may be times you just don’t feel like eating eggs. You may be a vegan or just looking for new ways to diversify your protein sources. Thankfully, there are plenty of valuable sources of protein and some may even be richer in this macronutrient than eggs!

Today, we’ll have a look at 5 foods I was surprised to find out that have more protein than the classic egg:


5 Foods with More Protein Than an Egg


Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are mostly renowned for being high in healthy fats. The surprising part is that they are also an excellent source of protein and iron. You can add them to your salad, enjoy them as a snack (roasted or raw) or even include them in a cream soup.


Peanut butter

If you’d like to change your breakfast menu, replacing eggs with peanut butter is a great option. This wonder food contains 16 grams of fat, along with 8 grams of protein per serving. Whether crunchy or creamy, with fruit or the classic PB&J combination, peanut butter is a top choice for breakfast.


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Wellness Captain Foods With More Protein Than One Egg

Cottage cheese

With 12 grams of protein per serving, cottage cheese makes a wonderful egg alternative. Once again, you can mix a bowl of cottage cheese with fresh fruit or even jelly. You can add some seeds for extra healthy fats and consume it as a snack too.


Hemp seeds

They may be little, but these little guys are packed with so many essential nutrients. Only 3 tablespoons of hemp seeds provide you with 10 grams of protein and you can add them to basically any recipe you enjoy. Furthermore, a serving offers 45% of the Daily Value (DV) of magnesium, 20% DV of iron and 45% DV of copper.


Greek yogurt

I really can’t understand why it took so long for Greek yogurt to gain popularity. Not only is it much tastier, but this type of dairy also provides 20 grams of protein in a 7 oz. container. You can add basically any fruit or seed you want and even include honey or healthy syrups like maple to enhance its natural flavor.


What’s your favorite egg alternative? Comment your choices below and let’s chat!

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