Celebrity Workout: How to Get an Amazing Body Like Beyonce

By The Captain October 20, 2019
Celebrity Workout Wellness Captain

© @beyonce/ facebook.com

Celebrity Workout

Mother of three, she’s looking better than ever, but a body like hers can’t be achieved without sacrifice. After giving birth to her twins, she struggled a lot with her body and wasn’t happy at all with the way she looked.

The performer and singer used a combination of diet and exercise to achieve her body goals. She embraced a strict diet and exercise regimen and she achieved her ideal shape over time.

“The truth is, it’s a lot of sacrifice. It’s more about your mental strength than physical strength. You have to push yourself. It doesn’t matter what trainer you have. And it doesn’t matter what program you’re on. You have to be healthy and make the right choices.”

Even though she can eat what she wants, she never skips going to the gym. From cardio to weight training, she does it all and we can all agree that she looks better and better with every year passing by.

“I’ll put on a song that I really like and do some biceps curls with five-pound weights for the whole song and just try to burn out.”

We all know that a body like Beyonce‘s is not something you can achieve very easily but it is worth the try!

Celebrity Workout


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