Feeling Dizzy After a Workout? This Might Be Why

By The Captain February 2, 2019

Feeling Dizzy After a Workout? This Might Be Why

You stay hydrated, have a healthy diet, working out properly, and yet there’s something wrong. The minute you end your workout, everything becomes blurry and you almost feel like passing out. So what’s wrong?

Both beginners and pros have been struggling with dizziness at some point. It can be scary, frustrating and simply tiring to deal with this problem after a workout.

Most people just wait it out thinking it’s normal. If you’re one of them, I have something to tell you: don’t.


What’s making your head spin

While it’s true that you can’t always beat dizziness, understanding its causes can help you get rid of it – or even avoid it altogether. Let’s have a look at the main reasons for post-workout lightheadedness:

Feeling Dizzy After a Workout? This Might Be Why

1. You’re not breathing…

… the right way. The harder you work out, the more oxygen your muscles need to stay alert. This need increases your heart rate and makes you breathe faster. However, if you’re not breathing enough, your brain gets less oxygen than it requires, hence the dizziness you may feel during or after a workout.

Feeling Dizzy After a Workout? This Might Be Why  Captain’s Tip: It’s easy to forget about breathing when you’re in the middle of a workout. Set an alarm every couple of minutes or stick a reminder nearby to focus on your breath as well.

Feeling Dizzy After a Workout? This Might Be Why

2. You’re taking it too far

There’s a fine line between pushing your limits and overexerting. Sometimes, you may feel like you could do more – but your body is already weak and dehydrated. Whenever you cross this line, dizziness is extremely likely because your system needs to be hydrated and regain the nutrients it lost.

Feeling Dizzy After a Workout? This Might Be Why  Captain’s Tip: Many people take things too far during team training sessions due to extra motivation or group pressure. Whenever you attend a team class, remind yourself that everyone has different limits and there’s no need to get out of your comfort zone too much at once.


Feeling Dizzy After a Workout? This Might Be Why

3. You’re suffering from low blood sugar

The sugar found in your blood is one of the most important sources of energy. In fact, this is the fuel that gives you power during the first 15 minutes of working out! Glucose is also essential to keep brain functions normal – and guess what happens when you run out?

Your body doesn’t need glucose that much because it can also rely on other energy sources. Your brain, however, just can’t make it without a balanced blood sugar level and it lets you know it needs more through dizziness.

Feeling Dizzy After a Workout? This Might Be Why  Captain’s Tip: Always carry a satious snack with you during workouts. Whether it’s a banana or a protein bar, just a few bites are enough to get you back on your feet until you get home.

When to call your doctor

Although it’s pretty unpleasant, post-workout dizziness is usually nothing to worry about. Making small adjustments like drinking more water, eating healthy snacks constantly and exercising correctly should make the symptom go away instantly.

You might want to see your doctor if you experience one or more of the following:

  • Chest pain
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Dizziness occuring frequently
  • Irregular heartbeat

Unless you notice anything unusual, keeping a balanced lifestyle should make this problem disappear and you’ll have energy all day long!

Feeling Dizzy After a Workout? This Might Be Why

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Wellness Captain