9 Foods That Look Delicious But Could Potentially Kill You

By The Captain August 25, 2020

9 Foods That Look Delicious But Could Potentially Kill You 1


If you’ve ever wondered why it smells like Christmas during the holidays, I can answer that question. It’s because of nutmeg, probably the most popular holiday spice. It can be used in cakes and pies and whatnot. But if you’re not careful with the amount you’re using in your recipes, you might start seeing things…like Santa Claus.

That’s because nutmeg contains a chemical called myristicin, which, in larger quantities, can have hallucinogenic effects and cause paranoia. More than that, more than 2-3 teaspoons can cause convulsions, palpitations and nausea, something you definitely don’t want to experience on Christmas Day, no matter how delicious the eggnog.

Read also 7 Surprising Foods That Might Give You Food Poisoning.


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