4 Groups of People Who Shouldn’t Get the COVID-19 Vaccine Just Yet

By The Captain December 23, 2020

4 Groups of People Who Shouldn't Get the COVID-19 Vaccine Just Yet 1

What about people who’ve already had COVID-19? Do they still need a vaccine?

Individuals who have had COVID-19 might have some sort of immunity to the virus, that prevents them from becoming reinfected. However,  it’s still unclear how long this immunity might last. Some research suggests immunity to the virus can last for at least 5-7 months, and even longer. Since it’s still a grey area, find out what the CDC and other health specialists have to say about this particular group in our post If I’ve Already Had COVID-19, Do I Still Need the Vaccine?

If you’re looking for more useful coronavirus-related content, check out more articles:



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