9 Foods You Should NEVER Mix with Your Medication

By The Captain May 26, 2021

9 Foods You Should NEVER Mix with Your Medication 1

Today, we probably take more medication than ever. Whether we talk about antibiotic treatments or occasional hangover cures like Tylenol, I think each one of us is taking at least one pill every year.

But how much do we really know about these drugs, or how they ca interact with the foods and beverages we’re consuming? How often do we read the product description carefully before taking that pill?

Sadly, too many people experience strange side effects or failed treatments simply because they don’t know what (and when) to avoid while taking their medication.

If you’re one of those people, it’s about time you found out the key rules on mixing foods and common drugs.

As a special bonus, today’s experts will start by revealing the truth about taking antibiotics with dairy.

Let’s start!


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Wellness Captain