10 Public Places You Should Still Avoid This Spring, Dr. Fauci Says

By The Captain March 24, 2021

10 Public Places You Should Still Avoid This Spring, Dr. Fauci Says 1

Avoid bars

During a recent US Senate committee hearing, Dr. Fauci declared, and I quote:

‘Bars: really not good. Really not good. Congregation at a bar, inside, is bad news. We really got to stop that right now.’

For the record, the statement was made when there were only 40,000 cases reported daily – and the situation has been getting worse this winter. Although many bars reduced their number of tables and seats, people may still become unable to maintain the recommended safe distance as it gets crowded.

Furthermore, bars are posing a unique threat: alcohol. As we all already know, consuming alcohol even in small quantities can affect your concentration. This can easily make you forget essential rules such as using hand sanitizer frequently or washing your hands for at least 20 seconds.


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