Men’s Grooming Essentials: A Lockdown Checklist to Look Your Best

By The Captain April 14, 2020

Men’s Grooming Essentials wellness captain

Men’s Grooming Essentials

You might not be a product junkie who compulsively buys all the hair and skincare products in sight, but this does not mean you shouldn’t take care of yourself properly, self-isolation or not. You’ve only got one body, so it makes perfect sense to treat it like a temple and tend to it from head to toe.

Don’t worry, you don’t have to rob a bank either to purchase the skincare and hair products that are right for you. There’s a dizzying array of multipurpose products that do a perfect job in no time, without causing any hassle or inconvenience.

Without further ado, let’s take a look at the essential skin and hair care products that every man should have in his bathroom cabinet to look his best, even in the times of a pandemic.

If you don’t want people to think you’re coming straight from a cave, you’re going to need these essential hair products for men:

  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner (if your hair is dry)
  • Hairstyling product

If you want to get rid of dandruff, dry scalp and combat hair loss, the k+s Man Series and Amber Series Shampoo Bundle should become your go-to product. It includes vitamin E and antioxidants that promote healthy hair growth as well as tea tree oil to restore split ends and rejuvenate your hair.

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If you’re looking for a conditioner to make your hair look fuller and silkier, American Crew Daily Conditioner for Men can bring out the best in your hair, no matter the texture.

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Speaking of multipurpose products, this 2 in 1 Shampoo and Conditioner will both clean and moisturize your scalp while the menthol and caffeine combo will invigorate and give you a refreshing feeling; or you could try American Crew 3-in-1 which is also a body wash. Life could not get any easier with this product!

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To top things off, use a water-based wax like this for an all-day hold minus the heavy grease. It’s also easy to wash with just water and no special shampoos or soaps are needed.


When it comes to skincare products, most men have basic grooming essentials such as deodorant and soap. “But it’s just as critical for men to take care of their skin as it is for women,” says Nada Manley, author of Secrets of the Beauty Insiders.

Here’s what every man should use to stay clean and fresh every day:

    • Cleanser to start your day fresh and clean.

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    • Yes, guys, you heard it well. Moisturizer is not just for the ladies and I’m sure you don’t want a dry, leathery skin either. This Facial Fuel Energizing Moisture Treatment For Men with chestnut extract and SPF 15 helps protect your face from environmental stress (don’t think just because you’re currently staying indoors, there is none) gives you a cooling feel and

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    • Eye cream and lip balm. Don’t worry, you’re not less manly if you use these products. On the contrary, they will help you look and feel your best.

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    • Hand lotion. With all the excessive hand washing that’s going on these days, this non-greasy, fast-drying hand cream will prevent you from having dry, chapped hands. It has a very light scent, and even one use a day will keep your hands a lot softer for the whole day.

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    • Shower gel. For that deep clean feeling whenever you take a shower, NIVEA Men DEEP Active Clean Body Wash should become a staple in your house. It does not leave your skin dry, lathers up nicely, rinses off quick and easy not to mention it’s more than affordable.
    • Shaving products
    • Antiperspirant. No messy residue to ruin your shirts and all-day freshness. What more could you ask for?
    • Cologne. This kit includes a top-selling and best-reviewed product which will give you the perfect scent and confidence to take on the day.

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    • Shaving products. Opt for a shaving cream like this one rather than a gel because it provides a better, thicker lather and protects you against cuts. Pair it with a shave brush to help you with an even application of shaving cream or an electric razor like this Panasonic Cordless Razor which lasts much longer than a razor blade, and reduces the chances of cuts.

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If you have a longer beard, this premium beard oil will leave your beard feeling soft and well maintained, no itchiness or dry, dull hair.

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So, there you have it, guys!

Men’s Grooming Essentials

Use these products and take care of yourself to feel younger, look better and fresh out of the box. Take it from the Captain!

What other products would you add to this list? Share your recommendations below and let’s help each other feel and look as good as possible during lockdown!

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Wellness Captain