8 Life-Saving Questions You Should Ask Your Pharmacist
‘It’s my right to know!’
Just as with every other domain, most people have no idea they have some rights too whenever they visit a pharmacy.
For example, did you know that your pharmacist is required by law to provide medication counselling every single time you come with a new prescription?
Asking a series of simple questions is easy, free and it can literally be life-saving.
Let’s remember, for example, this shocking story of a two-week-old newborn who was prescribed a treatment against seizures. After getting the medicine, the child’s father noticed the dosage was strangely high, so he instantly called the doctor to double-check the prescription.
It turned out that the medication dosage was so high, it could’ve been life-threatening for the newborn.
However, if the newborn’s father asked the pharmacist about the recommended dosage before purchasing the medication, this terrible situation could’ve been avoided.