10 Common Foods and Drinks That Make You Look Much Older Than You Really Are

By The Captain October 5, 2020

Wellness Captain Healthiest Oils for Frying

Vegetable oils

Vegetable oils might be good sources of vitamins A and D, but they can also lead to inflammation, accelerating the aging process. This is because of their high content of polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs) which researchers discovered that it ages the skin on a cellular level. Additionally, PUFAs can also increase the risk of developing other health conditions.

According to the 2015–2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, most types of soybean oil, corn oil, and cottonseed oil contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, so cooking with these oils might not be the best idea. If you value your skin and want to keep it glowing and young, you can opt for oils higher in monounsaturated fats (such as avocado, olive, and safflower oils). For more details, here’s  A Simple Guide to The Healthiest Oils for Frying.


Lemon water

Lemon water might be able to speed up weight loss, but it can also speed up the aging process, making you look older than you really are. It might come as a surprise, especially since vitamin C in the lemon can stimulate collagen production, and the citric acid can help you get rid of brown age spots. In truth, lemon water doesn’t impact your skin but your teeth.

Pearly whites are seen as a sign of youth, but lemon water can turn your teeth yellow, annihilating its other anti-aging effects. As explained by dentist Luke Thorley, “citrus fruits like lemon and lime are very acidic and can erode teeth enamel.”


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