9 Cancer Signs You’re Most Likely Ignoring but Shouldn’t

By The Captain January 7, 2020

cancer signs

9 Cancer Signs You’re Most Likely Ignoring but Shouldn’t 1

Cancer is scary. Over 1.7 million new cases of cancer are diagnosed every year in the United States, no matter the age, gender or social status.

More and more people are trying to look after themselves and reduce the risks of cancer by eating properly, exercising as much as possible, quitting smoking and so on. Unfortunately, there are forms of cancer that cannot be prevented no matter the changes we bring to our lifestyles.

This doesn’t mean you cannot try to live as healthy as possible and pay attention to what your body is telling you and the signs it is sending you about your health.

Here are 9 cancer signs you’re most likely ignoring but shouldn’t!


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Wellness Captain