5 Bad Habits That Are Even WORSE Than You Think

By The Captain November 19, 2020

Wellness Captain Unhealthy Habits

Being a couch potato

Sedentarism is already renowned for its negative health impact. Sure, we’re on lockdown, gyms are unsafe – even dancing is no longer an option.

This depressing situation leaves us wanting to lay on the couch and just forget about the world for a while. However, this bad habit can have the exact opposite effect as it also promotes unhealthy snacking (more on that below).

Wellness CaptainCaptain’s solution: Make a habit out of exercising at least 30 minutes per day; it can be stretching, yoga or even attending virtual workout classes! Although it’s not the same as a real-life session, virtual exercising does help you socialize more. Also, try to reduce your TV time to a maximum of 2 hours per day; if you don’t like the silence, you can just play some radio or your favorite playlist. Trust me, you’ll feel happier too!


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Wellness Captain