10 Things Every Diabetic Should Know About COVID-19

By The Captain March 15, 2021

10 Things Every Diabetic Should Know About COVID-19 1

How can diabetics prepare for a COVID-19 infection?

No matter how careful you are, there’s always a slight chance of a COVID-19 infection.

It’s crucial that everybody keep a few essential supplies at home in case they need to self-isolate or quarantine – and it’s even more important for you as a diabetic.

Here are a few essential items specialist recommend to people with diabetes:

  • FOODS:
  • Whole-wheat crackers and bread (you can store bread in the fridge to stay fresh)
  • Vegetable and noodle soup (you can also chop soup vegetables ahead and store them in the freezer so they’re always at hand)
  • Unsweetened applesauce
  • Fruit juice, honey and hard candies in case your blood sugar levels start dropping suddenly
  • Insulin and every other type of medication you’re usually taking to manage diabetes and other underlying illnesses
  • Glucagon and ketone strips
  • Blood sugar level checking devices, a thermometer and an oxygen saturation monitor
  • Doctor-approved medication for coughing and fever (you can ask your doctor right now what they’d recommend in case of a COVID-19 infection)
  • Your physician’s phone number
  • The phone number of your closest emergency room or hospital
  • Your health insurance company’s number
  • The phone number of a close contact you can call in case of emergency (family, friends etc.)


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