7 Serious Eating Risks You Should Avoid This Pandemic

By The Captain January 27, 2021

7 Serious Eating Risks You Should Avoid This Pandemic 1

  1. Avoid peak hours

Depending on the place you’re about to go to, there’s a peak time where it’s usually most crowded. Finding out that peak time is crucial because you’ll definitely want to avoid it.

Why? Well, the key to protecting ourselves and those around us from the coronavirus is social distancing. If there’s any chance we can avoid crowded places, we should opt for it without a second thought. Usually, peak hours are somewhere around lunchtime and dinnertime, so maybe you can enjoy some coffee in the afternoon or a brunch instead of going to dinner.


  1. Maintain safety guidelines for takeout food

Let’s say you’ve decided to just stay at home and spoil yourself with your favorite delivery service. In this case, the risk of a COVID-19 infection is infinitely lower than if you would’ve physically gone to a restaurant. However, there still are many safety guideline to take into account for takeout food as well.

Firstly, always try to pay for your order online, via a phone or with your credit card. Secondly, f you’re opting for delivery, you can ask for the meal to be left outside your home or somewhere by the front door to avoid contact (if possible).

Lastly, regardless if you choose delivery or takeout, maintain the recommended social distance of 6 feet and always use hand sanitizer or wash your hands after any contact.

Now that your food is finally at home, let’s see the next safety precautions…


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Wellness Captain