10 Subtle Signs of Dementia Every Retiree Should Know

By The Captain April 2, 2021

10 Subtle Signs of Dementia Every Retiree Should Know 1

  1. Inability to adapt to changes

The most important thing we all have to acknowledge when it comes to dementia is this:

It is scary.

The person that starts suffering from any form of dementia can have major difficulties understanding what’s happening to them. All these changes in their mindset, personality, memory and skills make them cling to a routine as they try to find balance and normality in their lives again.

Experiencing all these symptoms can also make them fear new experiences or tasks. What if they go grocery shopping and can’t figure out how to get back home? What if they meet an old friend and just can’t talk to them properly?

This is one of the main reasons why we have to be extremely supportive and patient if we notice any of these symptoms – regardless if they’re already been diagnosed or not.


Click ‘Next’ to find out how you can prevent dementia!


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