10 Subtle Signs of Dementia Every Retiree Should Know

By The Captain April 2, 2021

10 Subtle Signs of Dementia Every Retiree Should Know 1

  1. Difficulty in dialogues

Language is by far the most complex skill we acquire during our lifetime. In today’s world, it’s also a vital skill we need to thrive and live our lives as usual.

When dementia occurs, patients suddenly start having a hard time finding the right words to express their thoughts and emotions. These people may begin a story and barely be able to finish it, or they might interrupt themselves constantly as they’re at a loss of words.

Much like short-term memory, this difficulty in speech can happen to all of us at some point; in fact, some people are talking that way since forever and they’re perfectly healthy individuals.

If you’re suddenly starting to notice this particularity, though, you should schedule a check-up to make sure everything’s alright.

Next, are you in the right mood?……


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Wellness Captain