10 Subtle Signs of Dementia Every Retiree Should Know

By The Captain April 2, 2021

10 Subtle Signs of Dementia Every Retiree Should Know 1

  1. Affected sense of orientation

Direction and spatial orientation are two skills we acquire during the very first years of our lives.

Unfortunately, though, dementia can affect these functions as well. It usually translates into a sudden inability of recognizing familiar places and landmarks or having a hard time getting to a certain location (such as going home).

This early symptom can also affect the person’s ability to follow directions to a new place or reading a map.

ATTENTION! Since people with dementia can lack their sense of orientation, leaving them alone can become dangerous for their physical and mental health. If you suspect anyone around you is secretly dealing with this illness, please reach out and seek help for them.

Next, at the risk of repeating ourselves…..


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