12 Things Your Skin Reveals About Your Health

By The Captain September 28, 2020

Wellness Captain Skin Problems

  1. Sun spots

As Dr. Macdonald says, freckles and other spots are generally ‘a measure of your lifelong sun damage.’ However, note that some of those spots can also increase your long-term risk of developing skin cancer. If you notice any change in the spots you have, make sure to contact a dermatologist.


  1. Too many fine white hairs

Did you know that some internal cancers can show up on your skin too? There’s a condition named acquired hypertrichosis lanuginosa which causes excess fine white hairs on the face. Known as ‘malignant down,’ these hairs may signal an internal malignancy associated with lung and colon cancers.


  1. Sallow complexion

If your face becomes shallow looking, meaning that it lacks lustre, it may be caused by dehydration. Sometimes, this may also be caused by dry winter air or lack of sleep. The problem can be fixed with proper skin care treatments recommended by a specialist.


  1. Red bumps

Not all red bumps are pimples – especially if they’re accompanied by redness and dry skin. When these signs appear simultaneously, you may be suffering from rosacea, a chronic skin condition triggered by spicy foods, stress, exercise or sudden weather changes.


  1. Sudden tanning of the skin

If you know for certain that you haven’t spent much time in the sun but you’re still tanning up, it may be a sign for Addison’s. A conclusive sign may be whether the darkening also occurs on your gums or inner ear.

Addison’s affects the adrenal gland which in return can no longer release cortisol, the stress hormone. This imbalance causes the brain to produce a hormone caused ACTH which increases skin pigmentation.


  1. Increased sweating

Some people sweat more and other less due to genetics and that’s perfectly normal. If you notice increased sweating along with one or more of the following signs, it may be a problem:

  • Warm skin
  • Palm redness
  • Facial flushing
  • Thinning hair and/or hair loss
  • Concavity of the nails

All of these signs can hide an overactive thyroid gland, which is apparently more common in women.


  1. Puffy eyelids

Swollen eyes and puffy eyelids may be caused by allergies. If you also notice a rash in that area, it may be eczema, which also causes dryness of the eyelids in adults. Another common factor, Dr. Macdonald says, is using irritating products around the eyes (such as sponge applicators or makeup).


  1. Excessive flushing

If you flush because you’re embarrassed, it’s one thing. If you’re flushing all of the sudden multiple times a day, it may be again caused by rosacea, which makes blood vessels dilate excessively. Sometimes extreme flushing can also be caused by major hormonal changes in women, such as pregnancy and menopause.


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