5 Supplements and Vitamins to Fight Off the Pandemic Stress

By The Captain February 17, 2021

5 Supplements and Vitamins to Fight Off the Pandemic Stress 1

  1. B complex vitamins

B vitamins have a wide range of health benefits and they’re all essential to regulate important body functions such as hormone production, blood circulation and brain health. As a plus, these vitamins can help you improve symptoms such as stress and anxiety too!

You can increase your daily dosage of B vitamins by adapting your diet with foods such as whole grains, legumes, dairy, eggs, meats and leafy greens. However, if you already have a deficit you might need extra supplementation to stay healthy and improve your emotional state. That’s because B vitamins can improve your mood and energy levels as they lower the amino acid homocysteine.

Multiple studies such as this one published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences linked high levels of homocysteine to increased risks of heart disease, colorectal cancer and dementia.

Luckily, though, there’s a way out!

This review of 8 studies has shown that taking a multi-vitamin supplement (which usually contains all B vitamins) can improve your mood and ease unpleasant states of stress and anxiety.

However, experts point out that if you already have low homocysteine levels the effects of B complex vitamins might vary.


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