7 Signs Your Therapy Sessions Are Worth It

By The Captain October 7, 2020

Wellness Captain Therapy Session

  1. You become more tolerant

When you understand your own emotions, you also gain understanding for those around you. A good therapist can help you learn how to tolerate and manage emotions, as well as the fact that they are completely normal.

Aside from helping you forgive more and see where others’ negativity might come from, being tolerant also helps you appreciate positive emotions much more. The result? A happier, balanced life.


  1. You take responsibility

Our brain has the amazing capacity of making us feel comfortable whenever we get out of our comfort zone. And you know what’s out of everyone’s comfort zone? Guilt.

Being emotionally unstable can often make us snap at those around us or make decisions we wouldn’t normally go for. When you start taking responsibility for your actions (even the most regrettable ones), it means you accept yourself; this, in turn, increases self confidence and brings you inner peace.

  1. Your therapist says you’re better

This one may seem pretty obvious, but there’s more to it. First of all, when your therapist is saying you’ve improved, it gives you confidence that you share the same goal and work for it together. It means your therapist understands your situation enough to analyze and explain how and when progress is made.

Last, but not least, a good therapist can also give you some insight as to where your therapy sessions are going and how much you can improve from now on.


Have you ever attended a therapy session? If so, how much has it helped you with your emotional and mental state? Share your journey in the comment section and let’s chat!



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Wellness Captain