10 Tragic Cases of COVID-19 Hysteria

Photo by Lazy_Bear from Shutterstock
- Gun Hoarding –Â Given the uncertainty caused by the new virus, some people assumed the end of the world it’s coming. In the United States, there have been large lineups outside gun stores, as people feared social change. In their imagination, this social change came in sort of a movie-like scenario. The demographics buying guns increased in that time.
- Pet Peril –Â The novel coronavirus is believed to have jumped hosts from animals to humans. A pet Pomeranian and a German Shepherd got the virus, while a cat in Belgium was the latest victim. Naturally, panic installed, and many pet owners tried to re-home their pets over the fear of harming their furry friends with the virus.
- Tanked –Â Although it’s natural to look for medicine in hope of protecting yourself from the virus, some people took it next level. A man in Arizona died in the pandemic not from Covid-19 itself, but from aquarium cleaner ingested by him and his wife.
- Street Beatings –Â The Covid-19 panic emerged in various ways. Street vendors in India fought to remain in operation to provide food to those needing it the most. Unfortunately, police stepped in, resulting in beating episodes of innocent merchants.
- Shameless Profiteering –Â Many “entrepreneurs” seized the opportunity of selling essential products such as food, medical supplies and cleaning products. Police had to investigate the problematic existence of a “shameful black market for medical supplies”.
- Extreme Racism –Â Given the fact that the virus first appeared in China, people went directly into blaming other nationalities for the coronavirus. Chinese people have faced outrageous incidents of abuse and violence in many countries.
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