10 Foods That Become Toxic When Reheated in a Microwave

By The Captain March 25, 2021



Spinach is as healthy as can be, providing many vitamins and minerals, including potassium, magnesium, vitamins B and E. Reheated spinach, on the other hand…not so healthy.

In fact, these leafy greens can contain nitrate which, when exposed to high heat, turns into nitrates and then into nitrosamines. These compounds have been found to be carcinogenic and lead to cancer, such as bowel cancer.

10 Foods That Become Toxic When Reheated in a Microwave 1 Captain’s tip: Cook only the amount of spinach that you will eat immediately. Once you cook it, do not leave it at room temperature. Also, store any spinach leftover for no longer than a day or two in the refrigerator.


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