Everything Donald Trump Eats in a Day: Disturbing or Not?

By The Captain December 4, 2020

Wellness Captain Donald Trump's Daily Menu


Many of Donald Trump’s eating habits are exposed in the book Let Trump Be Trump by former campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski. In the book, he talks about how Mr. Trump doesn’t really enjoy eating during the day and he usually goes 14-16 hours without any food.

However, the former-President does have a few lunch favorites. Back in 2005, he and his wife Melania prepared a meatloaf sandwich on Martha Stewart; at the time, he said this was his favorite kind.

Experts’ opinion:

While Travers agrees that meatloaf sandwiches are actually a decent choice for lunch, he’d rather use brown bread instead. Additionally, he recommends having some salad on the side or other veggies because the body needs fiber, as well as vitamins for a good digestion process.


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