7 Banned Foods Our Country Should STOP Eating Now

By The Captain November 20, 2020

#4: Ractopamine This beta-agonist drug was initially used as an asthma treatment – but food manufacturers found a better used. Today, ractopamine is used to boost muscular mass in pigs, chicken, turkeys and cows while reducing their fat mass. The substance is known for affecting the cardiovascular system, affecting brain functions responsible for our behavior and might even cause chromosomal abnormalities. Not all of the ractopamine administered to animals remains in the meat, but you still get to eat a whopping 20% of it. Ractopamine is banned in 122 countries including China, Russia and Taiwan, while U.S. manufacturers continue to use it freely.

#3: Ractopamine

This beta-agonist drug was initially used as an asthma treatment – but food manufacturers found a better used. Today, ractopamine is used to boost muscular mass in pigs, chicken, turkeys and cows while reducing their fat mass.

The substance is known for affecting the cardiovascular system, affecting brain functions responsible for our behavior and might even cause chromosomal abnormalities. Not all of the ractopamine administered to animals remains in the meat, but you still get to eat a whopping 20% of it.

Ractopamine is banned in 122 countries including China, Russia and Taiwan, while U.S. manufacturers continue to use it freely.


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Wellness Captain