10 Things in Your Freezer You Must Throw Away NOW

By The Captain March 15, 2021

10 Things in Your Freezer You Must Throw Away NOW 1

Freezer-burned bread

I’ve mentioned this trick many times in other nutrition posts here on Wellness Captain because it’s incredibly useful and can prevent food waste: start storing extra fresh bread in your freezer!

However, it’s equally important to note that even the freshest slices of bread only last for up to 6 months in the freezer. Although it won’t start to get fungus on it, the bread simply won’t be fresh anymore after 6 months – not to mention it can also get a weird smell depending how you pack it.

In order to keep your bread fresh and good-smelling for months, you should wrap it in one or two layers of plastic wrap and then another layer of freezer paper.


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