5 Eating Habits That Can Improve Your Life After 50

By The Captain February 3, 2021

5 Eating Habits That Can Improve Your Life After 50 1

  1. Strengthen your immunity

Of all the pieces of advice listed here, this is perhaps the most important – especially now that our country is still heavily affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Inflammation is much more common in people over 50 and so are rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, heart disease or even cancer. But why are these illnesses so commonly encountered in the elderly population?

Well, the main reason is that aging causes your immune system to slow down and therefore become less effective. The soldiers that have been guarding your body from viruses, bacteria and other threats of your life are simply burned out and can’t destroy outside threats as usual.

However, there are many natural ways you can help your immune system stay strong and keep you healthy in the long run. One of the best methods involves prioritizing certain food groups at each meal.

According to specialists, up to 50% of your plate should have fruits and vegetables – yes, at every single meal. Your body desperately needs such ingredients because they offer valuable vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which translate into a strong immune system.

As for meat, it’s best to stick to options high in protein such as fatty fish or lean poultry (boneless, skinless chicken or turkey breast is always a good option).

If you’re a bread enthusiast, switching to bread made with whole grains can make a huge difference in reducing your risk of type 2 diabetes, as well as heart disease and other common diseases whose risk increases with age.

My post on Bread from A-Z covers the health benefits, risks and bonus tips on choosing the right bread that can even help you drop unwanted pounds. You can check it out right here.


  1. Keep your skin healthy

If there’s one hint to somebody’s age, it’s definitely their skin. As we age, the largest organ in our body becomes more fragile and thinner; however, if you notice that your skin is unusually fragile and delicate, it might actually have something to do with your diet.

Getting a proper intake of vitamins C and E is crucial for healthy, strong skin that maintains its elasticity over time. Some of the best natural sources of vitamin E are:

  • Nuts such as almonds
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Spinach

As for vitamin C, here are some more foods that help you increase your daily intake (aside from the ones mentioned earlier on):

  • Bell peppers
  • Broccoli
  • Berries

Enriching your daily meals with these ingredients can make a huge positive difference in how your skin looks and feels. I also have an in-depth post recommending 10 skin-friendly foods and how they can improve your health; check it out right here.

Note that staying hydrated is equally important! Drinking enough liquids daily helps your skin recover faster, as well as improving its elasticity.

We have plenty of resources and guides to keep your skin healthy and young, so I’ll just drop a few of the most important below:



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Wellness Captain