15 Dangerous Things Nutritionists NEVER Eat – And Neither Should You

By The Captain March 1, 2021

15 Dangerous Things Nutritionists NEVER Eat – And Neither Should You 1

  1. Table salt

What would food be without salt? Probably just a mix of bland ingredients that take away our pleasure of eating, right?

We’re not advising you to quit salt altogether – and nutritionists aren’t either. In fact, this spice is extremely beneficial since it’s the top source for iodine.

However, some of the most popular foods right now are overloaded with salt. Frozen meals, pizza, fast food, deli meats and many other ingredients contain way too much salt than your recommended daily intake! Over time, too much salt can lead to unwanted weight gain, cardiovascular problems and cholesterol fluctuations.

Anderson recommends switching to Himalayan or Celtic salt every time you’re at home and reducing your daily intake as much as possible.


RELATED: 7 Simple Ways to Make Your Favorite Pizza Healthier


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