15 Dangerous Things Nutritionists NEVER Eat – And Neither Should You

By The Captain March 1, 2021

15 Dangerous Things Nutritionists NEVER Eat – And Neither Should You 1

  1. Canola oil

Canola oil is a very confusing product right now because it’s been advertised as healthy for a very long time. At some point, it was so trendy that everyone used it to fry foods, make salads or even bake cakes or pastry!

Unfortunately, though, functional diagnostic nutritionist Cate Ritter explains that most canola oils nowadays are genetically modified – which means they lack beneficial nutrients. Today’s canola is highly processed, bleached and deodorized and all of these processes only add chemicals to it.

Guess who ends up eating all those unhealthy ingredients? That’s right: you.

If you can find a trusted source for canola oils, it can be a great addition to your diet due to its high content of omega-3 acids.


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Wellness Captain