15 Dangerous Things Nutritionists NEVER Eat – And Neither Should You

By The Captain March 1, 2021

15 Dangerous Things Nutritionists NEVER Eat – And Neither Should You 1

  1. Blended fruit yogurt

I don’t think there’s any person who doesn’t like fruit yogurts. Not only do they taste and look delicious, but these colorful treats also seem incredibly healthy! After all, it’s fruit and yogurt, right?

Wrong. Unless you buy the yogurt and add whole fruits to it at home, you’re probably just eating a combination between artificial flavors, preservatives and plenty of added sugar (or worse, artificial sweeteners!).

Rachel Straub, MS, certified strength and conditioning specialist, explains that store-bought blended fruit yogurts are like eating ‘dessert for breakfast.’ She also adds that ‘nearly 50 percent of the calories can come from added sugar, so they just aren’t a healthy choice. I would much rather have a plain yogurt with a piece of real fruit.” Or add any of these healthy toppings.’


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Wellness Captain