7 Surprising Foods That Might Give You Food Poisoning

By The Captain December 8, 2019


Chicken liver

Eating chicken liver on the underdone side has gained quite a momentum in recent years. This foodie trend, apart from giving you a rich foie gras taste, can also turn you into a victim of food poisoning.

Many chefs recommend frying the liver and leaving their center pink. But not fully cooking the liver means that harmful bacteria, such as campylobacter, is not killed. Around 60,000 officially cases of campylobacter are recorded every year, but the unregistered number is thought to be much higher.

7 Surprising Foods That Might Give You Food Poisoning 1 Captain’s tip: If you’re trying to make pate, make sure you cook the liver thoroughly and reach 165° F, the temperature required to kill Campylobacter and other bacteria.


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