Top 10 Most Dangerous Food Additives You Should AVOID

By The Captain April 4, 2021

Top 10 Most Dangerous Food Additives You Should AVOID 1

  1.  Brominated vegetable oil

Definition: Now back to vegetable oils. Surprisingly enough, this beverage emulsifier is also used as a flame retardant for rocket fuels. When it comes to our health, though, it’s not as helpful.

Brominated vegetable oil can have a negative impact on your thyroid hormones while increasing inflammation – a symptom often linked to obesity and cancer.

When you ingest too much BVO, your body definitely rings the alarm through fatigue, headaches, muscle pain and even coordination. Overall, it’s just not worth the risk – not to mention that most foods that contain BVO also include other unhealthy ingredients like refined sugar.

Found in: sports drinks, citrus-flavored soda


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