7 Low-Fat Foods You Should Never Eat

By The Captain August 20, 2019

 Low-Fat Foods wellness captain

Low-Fat Foods

For many of us, low-fat foods equal healthy foods, but are they really as good as we think?

The truth is, more and more studies have revealed that many low-fat foods marketed as healthy and failsafe options include more sugar and other unhealthy ingredients than their full fat equivalents. So, what should we eat?

To help you sift out the good from the bad, here are some of the low-fat foods you should never eat or consume as less as possible.

 Low-Fat Foods wellness captain

Low-fat foods like flavored yogurt

Yogurt is widely considered as healthy food, with numerous health benefits. But not all yogurt is created equal.

Low-fat, flavored yogurt, for example, is usually packed with a lot of sugar, almost as much as real desserts. For instance, 250 gr of flavored yogurt includes 47 grams of sugar, exceeding the sugar content of one chocolate pudding or a twinkie.

7 Low-Fat Foods You Should Never Eat 1 Captain’s tip: Opt for plain yogurt and add fruit (fresh, dried, frozen) for taste.

 Low-Fat Foods wellness captain

Low-fat salad dressing

Salad dressing is usually used to enhance the taste of vegetables. It can help us absorb vitamins such as A, D and K and antioxidants due to being high in fat.

The low-fat version might seem good for your weight loss plans, but it is actually quite bad. That’s because the commercial, low-fat salad dressing are full of sugar, high-fructose corn syrup and preservatives. And these are definitely not weight-loss allies.

7 Low-Fat Foods You Should Never Eat 1 Captain’s tip: Stay away from fat-free salad dressings and consume ones with natural fats like olive oil.

 Low-Fat Foods wellness captain

Reduced-fat peanut butter

Peanut butter is high in monosaturated fat for blood sugar and heart health and oleic acid, a compound that may help with fat loss.

The monosaturated fat in the reduced-fat peanut butter, on the other hand, has been substituted with processed vegetable oil and only 12 grams of fat per serving. Not to mention the high-sugar and high-fructose content.

7 Low-Fat Foods You Should Never Eat 1 Captain’s tip: Consume natural peanut butter with only peanuts and maybe a little bit of salt.


Low-fat muffins

Muffins seem like the perfect breakfast choice, especially if they’re low-fat. But don’t let yourself be fooled by their fluffy exterior and sweet flavor.

A low-fat muffin can have around 19 grams of sugar and a high glycemic index. Especially, the ones in coffee shops and convenience stores which are 300% larger than the standard size. They include little to no fiber and may increase hunger instead of satiety.

7 Low-Fat Foods You Should Never Eat 1 Captain’s tip: Stick to bran muffins or plain, wholemeal scones.


Low-fat coffee drinks

Coffee has been found to have many health benefits when consumed in moderation. Due to its antioxidants, it can lower risks of type 2 diabetes, while its caffeine can keep you mentally and physically alert.

But when you add flavor and turn it into a low-fat drink, coffee can have adverse effects on your health. The main reason is the fat to sugar ratio. With only 2 grams of fat and a staggering 33 grams of sugar, a flavored coffee drink provides 57% of the total daily calories. A sure way to weight gain!

7 Low-Fat Foods You Should Never Eat 1 Captain’s tip: Stick to black coffee or add natural honey or stevia to make it sweeter.


Low-fat cereal bars

Low-fat cereal bars are considered by many the best snack option for busy people. But don’t be fooled by their convenience and taste!

Although many such bars include real fruit, they can also be very high in sugar (up to 15 grams) and salt. In addition, they may contain very little protein and fiber, which doesn’t exactly help you curb your cravings.

7 Low-Fat Foods You Should Never Eat 1 Captain’s tip: Stay away from low-fat cereal bars that have sugar or other types of sweeteners in the top three ingredients.


Low-fat sandwich spreads

One of the most popular sandwich spreads is margarine. It is a processed food meant to look and taste like butter, recommended as its replacement to promote heart health.

But margarine isn’t such a smart choice. That’s because it contains hydrogenated vegetable oils and even small amount of trans fat, generated as a side effect of hydrogenation.

7 Low-Fat Foods You Should Never Eat 1 Captain’s tip: Avoid processed spreads and opt for small amounts of butter instead.

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