11 Common Beverages You Should Always Avoid

By The Captain May 25, 2019

11 Common Beverages You Should Always Avoid 1

Warm water bottles

We all know how important it is to hydrate ourselves by drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water a day. But water is not healthy in just about any form. When it comes in the form of warm bottled water, it can cause more harm than good.

According to health experts, plastic can get degraded when exposed to heat. Because of this, chemicals from the plastic can enter the water and contaminate it. If you frequently drink contaminated water, your hormones might go haywire, and you might become more susceptible to developing cancer and reproductive illnesses.

See also: Can You Drink Too Much Water? (How Much Is Too Much?!)

Next, we give you a reason not to join the club…..


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Wellness Captain