8 Popular Weight-Loss Diets That Could Be Total Disasters For You

By The Captain August 28, 2020

8 Popular Weight-Loss Diets That Could Be Total Disasters For You 1

The werewolf diet

Also called the moon or the lunar diet, this dietary habit doesn’t make you howl at the moon, but it does imply something just as lunatic. For 24 hours during a full moon or new moon, you are supposed to consume only water and juice (vegetables and fruit). During the waning moon, you are encouraged to have a balanced diet and follow the 8×8 rule (drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day). Come new moon, you have another 24 hours of no-solid food. The lunar diet ends with the waxing moon and you not eating at all after 6 p.m.

Does it work? Not according to health and nutrition specialists who warn that there’s no real evidence to support the werewolf diet’s claims. More than that, any diet that prevents you from getting proper nutrition is not efficient in the long term.


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