8 Popular Weight-Loss Diets That Could Be Total Disasters For You

By The Captain August 28, 2020


The Whole30 diet

The Whole30 diet is a very trendy diet, similar to Paleo, which many Instagram influencers swear by. That alone should be a warning sign! Here’s how the diet works: for 30 days, you get to eat a variety of organic meats and produce that you prepare yourself (no cheating and eating at the restaurant) while eliminating dairy and grains. This diet presumably helps you lose up to 35 pounds, improve your energy levels and sleeping pattern.

In terms of eating less processed foods, the idea is great. But apart from not being practical (I mean, only home-cooked meals? Who has time for that nowadays?), it is also completely unsustainable. Whole30 dieters have to go through a strict no-binging process which might affect their social life and have unwanted health effects such as GI problems, slowed metabolism, or hormonal imbalances.

If you’ve had it with fad diets, here are 9 Efficient Ways to Lose Weight Without Dieting!


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Wellness Captain