9 Foods That Look Delicious But Could Potentially Kill You

By The Captain August 25, 2020

9 Foods That Look Delicious But Could Potentially Kill You 1


Rhubarb is a perennial vegetable (considered a fruit) known for its mouth-puckering taste and thick stalks. This springtime “fruit” is also known for its killer reputation. Literally!

The rhubarb leaves contain high doses of oxalic acid, a chemical compound that could cause breathing problems, kidney failure, coma and ultimately, death. The good news (if I can say so) is that rhubarb has around 0.5 grams of oxalic acid per 100 grams of leaves and the lethal dose of oxalic acid is around 15-30 grams. This means you need to eat quite a lot of leaves to actually be in any mortal danger.


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