9 Foods That Look Delicious But Could Potentially Kill You

By The Captain August 25, 2020

9 Foods That Look Delicious But Could Potentially Kill You 1

Fugu (blowfish)

Fugu, also known as blowfish or pufferfish, is a winter Japanese delicacy, which is as deadly as it is expensive. Its innards contain a lethal substance to humans, called tetrodotoxin, 1,200 times more dangerous than cyanide. A single fish has enough tetrodotoxin to kill thirty people!

There’s no joking around when it comes to Fugu and its preparation. It can only be prepared by licensed chefs, who must train for at least two years before serving Fugu dishes to customers. Unfortunately, many amateurs don’t realize the implications of one bad cut to the lives of their customers, who end up dead after taking only one bite.


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