11 Genetic Diseases You Can Easily Get Tested For

By I. A. July 27, 2021
genetic diseases

Picture by New Africa at Shutterstock

2. Obesity

In 1999, Federal Health Officials agreed that America is going through an “obesity epidemic”, but since then, things only got worse. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), approximately 36.9% of Americans age 20 or older are obese.

Obesity is considered a Multifactorial Disorder, that’s caused by genetics and environmental factors, like indulging in binge eating or having a sedentary lifestyle. According to recent studies, there might also be a mutation in the MC4R gene, that causes extreme hunger, which leads to overeating.

Unfortunately, obesity is a high-risk disease that can lead to heart problems, diabetes, and a weak immune system.

If you’re struggling with overeating, here’s something that might help you.


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