Aloe Vera Is a Hidden Treasure! Here Are 7 Smart Ways to Use It

By The Captain October 28, 2020

Wellness Captain Aloe Vera Natural Remedy

Healing damaged skin

I’ve already mentioned the beneficial impact aloe vera has for sunburns. However, other serious conditions such as Psoriasis or Eczema can damage the skin severely if left untreated; that’s because most skin illnesses affect the natural protective barrier of the skin.

Factors such as cold weather or internal infections such as strep can also leave our skin exposed and sensitive.

Since aloe vera can hydrate your skin so well, it replenishes the moisture of the skin – which is usually compromised by most skin conditions.

Wellness Captain Captain’s Tip: Got razor burn? Dab some aloe vera on the affected area and it will be good as new in no time!


Puffy eyes treatment

Whether we talk about puffy eyes or under-eye bags, aloe vera can be a great way of regaining your youth in this area. This plant works great for reducing inflammation and it’s also rich in antioxidants, which can help to reduce water retention around the eyes.

All you have to do is to apply the gel found in aloe vera leaves under the eyes; this way, you can improve blood circulation and reduce inflammation locally.


Breastfeeding relief

This magical plant can deeply soothe the skin, which makes it a crucial asset for sensitive areas such as those caused by breastfeeding. Because it’s natural, you can also safely use it without worrying about the baby accidentally ingesting small quantities.

However, since newborns and small babies are also sensitive to new substances, it’s best to use a product rich in aloe vera like this one that’s especially designed for breastfeeding.

Aloe Vera Is a Hidden Treasure! Here Are 7 Smart Ways to Use It 1Aloe Vera Is a Hidden Treasure! Here Are 7 Smart Ways to Use It 2


Wellness Captain  Looking for more useful natural remedies? Try our posts below:


Have you ever used aloe vera? If so, how did it work for you? Share your experience in the comment section and let’s keep each other healthy and beautiful!


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Wellness Captain