7 COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects Dr. Fauci Wants You to Understand

By The Captain January 15, 2021

7 COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects Dr. Fauci Wants You to Understand 1

Pain in the arm

Again, this is a common response to your skin getting punctured by a needle, not only in the case of a vaccine but for any other reason such as getting blood drawn or receiving a vitamin injection. Dr. Fauci experienced an ache in his arm but said such pain is “relatively benign”.

If you get the COVID-19 shot, just know that you might feel a small pain in your arm “about 8 to 10 hours after the vaccination”. Luckily, “it lasts no more than 24 to 36 hours”, reassured Dr. Fauci.



Feeling tired and drowsy is a natural side effect of any vaccine. According to Dr. Fauci and other health experts, tiredness and sleepiness might not even be in response to the vaccine itself, but to the stress and anxiety caused by the vaccination.

If you compare a day of feeling tired and exhausted to becoming infected with COVID-19, keep in mind that fatigue “is a whole lot easier than having to wear a ventilator in an intensive care unit,” said Dr. William Schaffner, professor of preventive medicine and infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.


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