8 Strange Heart Disease Symptoms That Concern Your Doctor

By The Captain May 6, 2021

8 Strange Heart Disease Symptoms That Concern Your Doctor 1

Pain in the shoulder

We already know that chest pain is a symptom of heart attack or another serious heart problem. However, if your left shoulder is aching, this may also be a sign that your heart needs help!

As the heart muscle begins to be affected by a condition, the pain can be so intense that it irradiates towards the left shoulder. The medical term for this symptom is ‘angina,’ which means that your heart isn’t receiving (or sending) blood properly.

If you experience a sharp pain in the shoulder, it’s most likely not related to the heart (especially if you’ve been lifting weights or working out). However, if the pain doesn’t go away and gets worse in time, you should definitely let your doctor know.


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