8 Strange Heart Disease Symptoms That Concern Your Doctor

By The Captain May 6, 2021

8 Strange Heart Disease Symptoms That Concern Your Doctor 1

Long-term cough

Coughing is probably the scariest symptom right now due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there are many other conditions that can cause persistent cough including chronic bronchitis and – as you may have guessed – heart disease.

A cough that doesn’t go away regardless of what you try can mean there’s fluid stuck inside your lungs, which is a symptom of congestive heart failure.

Congestive heart failure happens when your heart is no longer able to pump blood efficiently towards major organs. This can lead to excessive pressure in the small blood veins located inside your lungs, which in turn makes fluid build up inside the lungs.

This condition can also give you shortness of breath, so if you have both symptoms, it’s definitely time to call your doctor.


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