9 Strange Eye Symptoms You Should NEVER Ignore After 50

By The Captain May 14, 2021

9 Strange Eye Symptoms You Should NEVER Ignore After 50 1

#1: Flashing lights or shadows

If you start ‘seeing stars’ right after getting up, that’s perfectly normal. However, if you constantly notice flashing lights or an unexplained shadow in your peripheral vision, it’s time to call your doctor.

No matter how rarely these signs may show up, they’re usually caused by a detachment of your retina, a nerve located in the back of your eye.

Retinal detachment is not a disease per se, but rather a symptom of a more serious condition like glaucoma or nearsightedness.

Thankfully, though, this detachment of the retina can be easily corrected via surgery if you detect it on time.

ATTENTION! Retinal detachment is a serious symptom; unless you alert your doctor as quickly as you notice the first signs, it can lead to blindness.


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