9 Strange Eye Symptoms You Should NEVER Ignore After 50

By The Captain May 14, 2021

9 Strange Eye Symptoms You Should NEVER Ignore After 50 1

#7: Sudden vision loss (in a single eye)

It should be obvious that if you can’t see with one eye you should get a checkup.

Sudden loss of vision (especially if it’s in a single eye) can often be caused by age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Sadly, AMD is one of the leading causes of vision loss in people older than 65 in our country.

Note that many times vision loss occurs gradually. It may start as a seemingly harmless blurred vision.

In some cases, though, AMD-caused vision loss can happen unexpectedly; this is usually caused by an eye fluid (or blood) leakage right under the retina, which blocks the nerve cells responsible for vision.

Sudden vision loss in one or both eyes can also be brought by a rare type of glaucoma. In this case, large amounts of fluid accumulate in your eye, which can damage the optic nerve permanently.


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